Yingbo Ma
Ph.D. Candidate,
Computer Science, University of Florida
Yingbo is a senior Computer Science Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida. His broad research interests include speech processing, natural language processing, and multimodal machine learning. Under the supervision of Dr. Kristy Boyer, his research work focuses on how multimodal data mining can empower intelligent systems to understand human learning and support collaboration. He designs and applies multimodal data mining and machine learning to understand students’ dynamic learning processes in classrooms by analyzing their collaborative dialogues, speech, facial expressions, and gestures. Yingbo also engages in interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers and educators to develop intelligent systems that support collaborative learning in computer science. Apart from research, Yingbo has served as sub-reviewer for multiple international conferences, including as the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK), and AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI). In Spring 2023, he is serving as instructor for undergraduate course CIS 4930: Intro to Multimodal Machine Learning in Python.
Ph.D., Computer Science (Expected 2024)
University of Florida
M.E., Signal and Information Processing (2019)
Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China)
B.E., Electrical Engineering (2016)
Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China)
2024 | |
[3] | The impact of near-peer virtual agents on computer science attitudes and collaborative dialogue. Toni Earle-Randell, Joseph Wiggins, Yingbo Ma, Mehmet Celepkolu, Dolly Bounajim, Zhikai Gao, Julianna Martinez Ruiz, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Maya Israel, Collin Lynch, Eric Wiebe. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, vol. 40, 2024, pp. 100646. [bib] [doi] |
[2] | Investigating the Relationship between Math Literacy and Linguistic Synchrony in Online Mathematical Discussions through Large Scale Data Analytics. Yukyeong Song, Wanli Xing, Chenglu Li, Xiaoyi Tian, Yingbo Ma. British Journal of Educational Technology, 2024, pp. 1-31. [bib] |
2023 | |
[1] | Automatically Predicting Peer Satisfaction During Collaborative Learning with Linguistic, Acoustic, and Visual Features. Yingbo Ma, Gloria Ashiya Katuka, Mehmet Celepkolu, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 2023, pp. 86-122. [bib] [doi] |