Kimberly Michelle Ying
Ph.D. Candidate,
Human-Centered Computing, University of Florida
Kimberly Ying is a Ph.D. candidate advised by Dr. Kristy Boyer in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. Her research interests include computer science education and collaborative learning with an emphasis on supporting diverse students. She hopes her research efforts will have a positive impact on the computer science community, specifically on closing the gender gap.
Ph.D., Human-Centered Computing (Expected 2021)
University of Florida
M.S., Computer Science (2019)
University of Florida
B.S., Agricultural & Biological Engineering (2014)
Cum Laude
University of Florida
journal articles
2020 | |
[1] | Understanding Women's Remote Collaborative Programming Experiences: The Relationship between Dialogue Features and Reported Perceptions. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Alexandra Lauren Dibble, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 4 no. CSCW3, Article 253, 2020, pp. 1-29. [bib] [doi] |
conference papers
2022 | |
[11] | Intelligent Support for All? A Literature Review of the (In)equitable Design & Evaluation of Adaptive Pedagogical Systems for CS Education. Alexia Charis Martin, Kimberly Michelle Ying, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Christina Suzanne Kahn, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2022, pp. 996-1002. [bib] [doi] |
2021 | |
[10] | Using Dialogue Analysis to Predict Women’s Stress During Remote Collaborative Learning in Computer Science. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Gloria Ashiya Katuka, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), 2021, pp. 60-66. [bib] [doi] |
[9] | CS1 Students’ Perspectives on the Computer Science Gender Gap: Achieving Equity Requires Awareness. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Alexia Charis Martin, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), 2021, pp. 1-9. [bib] [doi] |
[8] | Confidence, Connection, and Comfort: Reports from an All-Women's CS1 Class. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Alexandra Lauren Dibble, Alexia Charis Martin, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Sanethia V. Thomas, Juan E. Gilbert. Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2021, pp. 699-705. [bib] [doi] |
2020 | |
[7] | Understanding Students' Needs for Better Collaborative Coding Tools. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2020, pp. 1-8. [bib] [doi] |
[6] | User-Centered Design of a Mobile Java Practice App: A Comparison of Question Formats. Mohona Ahmed, Kimberly Michelle Ying, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Portland, Oregon, 2020, pp. 1158-1164. [bib] [doi] |
2019 | |
[5] | In Their Own Words: Gender Differences in Student Perceptions of Pair Programming. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Lydia G. Pezzullo, Mohona Ahmed, Kassandra Crompton, Jeremiah Blanchard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2019, pp. 1053-1059. [bib] [doi] |
2018 | |
[4] | Introducing the Computer Science Concept of Variables in Middle School Science Classrooms. Philip Sheridan Buffum, Kimberly Michelle Ying, Xiaoxi Zheng, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe, Bradford W. Mott, David C. Blackburn, James C. Lester. Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Baltimore, Maryland, 2018, pp. 906-911. [bib] [doi] |
2017 | |
[3] | How Block Categories Affect Learner Satisfaction with a Block-Based Programming Interface. Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kimberly Michelle Price, Joseph Isaac Jr., Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Christina Gardner-McCune. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), Raleigh, North Carolina, 2017, pp. 201-205. [bib] [doi] |
[2] | Expressing and Addressing Uncertainty: A Study of Collaborative Problem-Solving Dialogues. Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kimberly Michelle Price, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2017, pp. 207-214. [bib] |
[1] | Exploring the Pair Programming Process: Characteristics of Effective Collaboration. Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kimberly Michelle Price, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Seattle, Washington, 2017, pp. 507-512. [bib] [doi] |
workshop papers
2017 | |
[1] | Toward Conversational Agents that Support Learning: A Look at Human Collaborations in Computer Science Problem Solving. Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kimberly Michelle Price, Mickey Vellukunnel, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the Conversational UX Design CHI 2017 Workshop, Denver, Colorado, 2017. [bib] |
2020 | |
[1] | Gender Differences in Stress, Perceived Competence, and Perceived Choice during Remote Collaborative Problem Solving. Kimberly Michelle Ying, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Nashville, Tennessee, 2020, pp. 799-800. [bib] [doi] |