Mollie Brewer

Ph.D. Student, Human-Centered Computing, University of Florida

Mollie Brewer is a PhD student in Human-Centered Computing, advised by Dr. Kristy Boyer. With a strong background in exercise science and applied sports performance analytics, she contributes a unique skill set to the LearnDialogue AI-Empowered Athletics Project. Mollie is interested in understanding the perceptions and experiences of athletes, coaches, and sports scientists who utilize data in their daily routines. By examining how data is displayed and utilized, Mollie aims to bridge any gaps between technological advancements and practical applications in sports. Her research seeks to ensure that data tools are not only advanced but also user-friendly and relevant, enhancing their effectiveness and the overall experience of the users. Mollie collaborates closely with the University of Florida Athletics to find ways to better use technology and data in collegiate sports. Mollie is especially interested in applying her research to cycling, helping athletes and coaches use data more effectively for training and performance decisions.


Ph.D., Human-Centered Computing (Expected 2027)
   University of Florida

M.S., Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (2022)
   University of Florida

B.S., BS Exercise and Sport Science (2015)
   University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill


workshop papers
[1]Sport Science Meets Cycling HCI: Rethinking Visualizations for Cycling Performance Metrics. Mollie Brewer, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer. Honolulu '24: CHI Workshop Learning from Cycling: Discovering Lessons Learned from CyclingHCI, May 11-16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, 2024. [bib]