Collaborative Research: Effective Peer Teaching Across Computing Pathways (National Science Foundation, DUE-1935111)


Undergraduate computing programs are seeing significant increases in demand to provide computing courses that prepare diverse, interdisciplinary students for careers that involve computer science. Providing scalable, high-quality support for students across computing pathways presents a critical challenge. The CUE project will advance the state of knowledge and practice around recruiting and preparing undergraduate near-peers as Peer Teaching Fellows (PTFs) to scale student support across computing pathways.

Project Description

The CUE project will expand an existing PTF Networked Improvement Community (NIC) of computer science faculty at NC State University, University of Florida, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and Duke University to include colleagues from partner departments across STEM disciplines. We will build a PTF NIC with the common goals to: 1) identify and support student help-seeking patterns across computing pathways by a) investigating the ways in which diverse students seek help in-person or online and b) increasing the effectiveness of help-seeking interactions that focus on debugging; 2) create Peer Teacher development materials that support effective debugging help-seeking interactions; and 3) disseminate development materials and other findings through the Peer Teaching Summit and other venues.


Publications will be listed here.